Campus Live

Terms of Service

CAMPUS LIVE (hereinafter “THE COMPANY”), operates the website “” (hereinafter the “SITE”). This website has been designed primarily to offer content and services to assist the Spanish-speaking community in learning, exercising and perfecting the English language. THE COMPANY constitutes an online e-learning (or electronic learning) platform and allows interaction with the material through various computer tools. Those who use the services and existing content on this SITE must always read and accept the conditions of this document first, which contains the guidelines and rules that must be complied with in order to access them, as well as any other future service or content offered by CAMPUS. LIVE. Any use of the platform in violation of the obligations, limits, and scope mentioned in this document, or in other local or international regulations, will be considered unauthorized.

1. Acceptance.

This document represents a Use License Agreement of THE COMPANY, which governs: (a) the connection to the CAMPUS LIVE platform, and (b) the use of the content and services contained therein, either now or in the future. Access to the platform, as well as the use of the content, the practice of exercises, or the participation in online classes, imply the acceptance of the conditions set forth herein. Any instance of access or use made without the acceptance of these conditions will be considered unauthorized. Therefore, those who disagree with these conditions will be prohibited from accessing the platform, its contents, classes, and any related material.

Access to the platform may require certain user information, which will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Users are obliged to know the terms expressed in said policy, and their acceptance, in turn, implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy. CAMPUS LIVE reserves the right to modify the terms of said policy, without prior notice. Changes to the Privacy Policy will take effect at the time they are posted on the site.

2. Minimum age required.

Access to the platform requires a minimum of fourteen (14) years. Access to the platform by persons under the age of 14 will be considered unauthorized, and therefore is prohibited, except with the authorization of responsible adults (parents, guardians, or guardians), who may assume their surveillance and assistance, as well as taking full responsibility for the actions of the minor in their care.

3. Registration.

To access the platform, initial registration is required, the purpose of which is to collect the user’s contact information, as well as to verify their identity. The information stated in the registration must be true, and will be treated as an affidavit. The provision of false or adulterated information will be considered a violation of the Terms and Conditions established in this document, the user being responsible for facing the resulting damages, both for CAMPUS LIVE and for third parties, as a consequence. The access data (email and password) assigned to each user must be treated as private, and must not be shared with other users or third parties. The content and services of the platform are provided on a personal basis, and therefore two different people are prohibited from sharing the same assigned user on the platform. Situations in which this information is compromised must be reported immediately to THE COMPANY, which can take the necessary steps to generate a new password, previously verifying the identity of the user through the mechanisms it deems appropriate.

4. Notifications and communications

To contact THE COMPANY, users may direct their communications to: The notifications and communications sent by THE COMPANY to the email box declared by the user when registering or the one that appears as the sender box, will be considered effective and fully valid. Likewise, communications that consist of notices and messages inserted in the Site, or that are sent during the provision of a service, whose purpose is to inform users about a certain circumstance, will be considered effective.

5. Access to the CAMPUS LIVE platform

5.1. The CAMPUS LIVE Platform

Users who wish to participate in THE COMPANY must register and open a user account with THE COMPANY by entering the site . Once the consent of THE COMPANY has been obtained, the user may initiate a user session and make use of the services.

5.2 CAMPUS LIVE mobile application

Users will also have the possibility of downloading THE COMPANY’s mobile application on their compatible mobile devices, which will allow them to access certain services directly from their device. The use of the mobile application will be adjusted to the following guidelines:

a) License to use the CAMPUS LIVE mobile application

THE COMPANY grants the user a temporary, limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive license that authorizes the user to run the CAMPUS LIVE software application on any device for which it has been designed.

b) Rights and limitations.

The user may not modify, decompile or manipulate in any way the software, the communication protocols or the information generated and transmitted by the application.

c) Exclusion of guarantee.

THE COMPANY expressly disclaims any warranty regarding the CAMPUS LIVE application. The software is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressly stated or implied, without limitation. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, USE OF DATA, REPLACEMENT COST OF GOODS OR EQUIPMENT, OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PROPERTY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE CAMPUS LIVE MOBILE APPLICATION. . The servers and equipment owned by THE COMPANY are suitable for running the software and maintaining user sessions over the Internet. However, there are other network elements belonging to electronic communications operators outside the control of THE COMPANY that influence the provision of the service and, in particular, may affect the possibility of establishing a connection between the user and the servers of THE COMPANY . In this sense, the user assumes and accepts that THE COMPANY will not have any type of responsibility when the connection cannot be established due to causes attributable to the network or third party elements.

d) Personal use.

The use by third parties of the CAMPUS LIVE application is prohibited. The user may only use the software for his own benefit. The user agrees that he is solely responsible for the use of the CAMPUS LIVE application through his username and password.

e) Validity and termination.

All the licenses stipulated here in relation to the CAMPUS LIVE application will come into force from the moment the user has started their session. The user may terminate the granted licenses at any time, canceling their subscription. In the event that it fails to comply with the provisions set forth herein, THE COMPANY may revoke all licenses granted immediately and without prior notice.

f) Minimum requirements:

The User acknowledges and accepts that mobile applications and device specifications may evolve over time. Consequently, THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify and/or increase the specifications necessary to use the CAMPUS LIVE application at any time and without prior notice.

6. Access to services and content within CAMPUS LIVE.

CAMPUS LIVE is a platform made up of multiple services, content and communication resources between users, such as: Live classes: live English classes are given on the Site. You will be able to access live group or individual classes, according to your subscription. Live classes include the possibility of receiving and sending audio and video of a class dictated by a CAMPUS LIVE teacher. Online classes are especially important to learn and improve English pronunciation. Pre-produced courses: these are classes that are recorded and accessible in THE COMPANY’s content catalog. There are courses for all learning levels, and they are organized in such a way that users can access different courses as their level of English rises. Exercises and practices: in THE COMPANY, there is a large amount of practice material and exercises that are of great help in the learning process. The exercises are freely accessible, however to complete a course it is possible that a certain number of exercises must be completed. Reading material: THE COMPANY has a repository of reading material in English that is organized according to the different levels of users. These are didactic texts specially conceived for learning English. Online chat: through online chat, users will be able to maintain live dialogues with people who speak English. Conversations are especially important for learning and improving English pronunciation, as well as for maintaining fluency in speaking the language. Evaluation tools: users will have different tools that will allow them to know their level of English at all times, and thus access the content that is appropriate for their level. Communication tools: within the Site, users will be able to send and receive messages from other users, and will also be able to establish a live communication that will allow them to dialogue directly. Creative activities: the user will be able to take part in a great variety of creative activities that will allow him to generate different types of materials where the knowledge acquired in the English language is put into practice. The services and content provided by THE COMPANY are subject to modification, deletion and/or replacement at any time by THE COMPANY. Consequently, the number, type, quality, conditions of access and use of the services and/or content offered may vary over time, without requiring any notification to users.

7. Memberships.

In THE COMPANY there is a large amount of content and services, to access which users must have a CAMPUS LIVE membership. Memberships will vary according to the products or services that the user wishes to acquire. Everything related to the acquisition of memberships is stipulated in the Commercial Conditions for the Acquisition of Online Services.

8. Responsibilities, powers of direction and control over services and content

8.1 Reserved faculties

THE COMPANY reserves all the powers of control and direction of CAMPUS LIVE, in particular of the services, contents and communications within it. Consequently, they may introduce all the changes and modifications they deem appropriate at their sole discretion, they may add, alter, replace or delete any of the services or content at any time. Each user, or if applicable, the parent or guardian, will be exclusively responsible for the statements made or the actions carried out within the framework of THE COMPANY. However, when THE COMPANY receives a complaint indicating that a user has unjustifiably suffered an impairment of any of their rights, it will immediately take the necessary measures to prevent the continuation of the harmful situation after the confirmation of the complaint.

8.2 Authorization of interception, access and diversion of communications

THE user confers express authorization to THE COMPANY, to allow him to monitor, supervise, intervene, capture, intercept, divert, access, suspend or interrupt his electronic communications made through CAMPUS LIVE for the purpose of providing the service, or for any other type of circumstance that in principle and with a preventive nature is identified as dangerous, potentially dangerous or unwanted by THE COMPANY. The User acknowledges and accepts that the activity of THE COMPANY in relation to its communications is consented and necessary for the provision of the CAMPUS LIVE service. In the same sense, the User authorizes THE COMPANY to divert, suspend or interrupt their electronic communications sent through CAMPUS LIVE, for the purpose of carrying out maintenance tasks and/or updating their computer systems.

8.3. Exclusion of warranties and liability for services and content

CAMPUS LIVE services are provided solely as an auxiliary learning tool. THE COMPANY does not assume responsibility for any consequence that results directly or indirectly from any action or lack of action that the user undertakes based on the information, services or other elements that are accessible through CAMPUS LIVE. THE COMPANY will not be liable for the loss of data and/or files, whatever the causes, persons or circumstances that have caused it, except when this derives from its own and exclusive fault or fraud. THE COMPANY will not be responsible in any case for the usefulness, suitability, availability, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, relevance, timeliness, legality or veracity of the existing content on CAMPUS LIVE. THE COMPANY will not be responsible for a) The damages that the user could suffer originating from the risks inherent to the Internet, including, by way of example, the interaction between the CAMPUS LIVE platform and the user’s equipment, or the alteration by third parties of the information transmitted through CAMPUS LIVE or hosted on the computer equipment of the user or of THE COMPANY; b) the alteration, loss or theft of data sent through public communications networks. THE COMPANY will not respond in the event that the user experiences access problems to CAMPUS LIVE derived from the use of obsolete computer equipment or programs or through poor quality or limited bandwidth Internet connections. THE COMPANY excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the disappointment of the expectations that users may have attributed to the services of CAMPUS LIVE. THE COMPANY EXCLUDES, TO THE FULL EXTENT ESTABLISHED BY THE APPLICABLE LEGAL ORDER, ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE THAT MAY BE DUE TO THE TRANSMISSION, DISSEMINATION, STORAGE, MAKING AVAILABLE, RECEIPT, OBTAINING OR ACCESS TO THE SERVICES AND CONTENT EXISTING ON CAMPUS LIVE. THE COMPANY will not be liable for losses or any circumstance, whether of the user or of a third party, that may arise from the loss, theft, or improper use of any access code or password of the user. The provision of the Site will be considered under the “as-is” modality (“in the condition in which it is found”) and without any express or implicit guarantee of any kind regarding a specific result.

8.4 Confidentiality of information

THE COMPANY will treat the information of the users, under strict confidentiality rules in order to safeguard their privacy.

9. Use of the services and content provided by CAMPUS LIVE

Users must use the existing services in CAMPUS LIVE in accordance with the provisions established in these Terms and Conditions; with the legal system under which THE COMPANY is governed, and to which they are subject due to the place, the people, or the matter in question, considered as a whole; and according to the conduct guidelines imposed by good customs. Any use of the services whose purpose is to contravene the rules and modes of operation provided by THE COMPANY; injure the rights of third parties; contravene the legal order or constitute an offensive practice; It will be considered as PROHIBITED USE of the services or contents, insofar as it violates the purposes for which it was made available to users. Without prejudice to the legal actions born at the head of THE COMPANY or third parties, when the use of the services, carried out by a user can be considered as PROHIBITED USE, THE COMPANY will take the measures it deems appropriate according to its exclusive criteria, being able to suspend or prevent access to the services or contents to those users involved in the prohibited use of the same, and without requiring any prior communication to do so.

10. Intellectual Property Provisions.

11.1 Ownership of CAMPUS LIVE material

As a general rule, the ownership of all existing material within CAMPUS LIVE corresponds to THE COMPANY. All titles, intellectual property rights in and for CAMPUS LIVE and the contents incorporated therein, mentioning without this statement being limiting, any text (regardless of its format -articles, notes, stories, stories, fables, dialogues, narrations, compositions, study guides, practical exercises, teaching, etc.), videos, photographs, drawings, illustrations, characters, characters, names, titles, brands, designations, phrases, methodological systems, structural designs, graphics, musical compositions and audio recordings, evaluation methods; the particular form of presentation of these elements, and all related documentation are owned or licensed by THE COMPANY. For information purposes, it is hereby informed that the rights related to the intellectual property of THE COMPANY are protected internationally under the protection of the Berne Convention; the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) treaty on copyright, and other matching provisions; the TRIPs agreement (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights); that as a whole ensure the full international validity of the rights of THE COMPANY.

11.2 License in favor of users

With respect to the content and services included in CAMPUS LIVE, users will have authorization to access and use these elements, when the purposes of such use are those specifically provided by THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY reserves all rights over the aforementioned material, and does not assign or transfer any right over its intellectual property or that of third parties to users. Consequently, its reproduction, exhibition, distribution, and/or modification must be expressly authorized by THE COMPANY, otherwise it will be considered an illegal activity that violates the intellectual property rights of THE COMPANY. THE EXISTING CONTENT ON CAMPUS LIVE HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR THE USER’S PRIVATE USE. THE COPYING, THE TOTAL OR PARTIAL REPRODUCTION, AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE CONTENTS OF CAMPUS LIVE CONSTITUTE A CRIME PUNISHABLE BY LAW. THE MEMBERSHIP GRANTS RIGHTS FOR THE USE OF THE CONTENT, BUT DOES NOT CONSIDER ANY COMMERCIAL PURPOSE, NOR ENABLES ITS APPLICATION FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THOSE EXPRESSLY CONSIDERED IN THIS DOCUMENT. IN THE EVENT THAT THE COMPANY BECOMES KNOWLEDGE OF VIOLATIONS ON ITS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, IT WILL REPORT THE FACTS TO THE AUTHORITIES OF THE PLACE OF RESIDENCE OF THE ONE WHO COMMITTED THE VIOLATIONS.

11.3. Licensing of user rights in favor of THE COMPANY

The user grants THE COMPANY a non-exclusive license on the content, messages, or works that may be incorporated into the CAMPUS LIVE site. The patrimonial rights of intellectual property licensed by the user will include the use by THE COMPANY of the contents in any format or support and by any existing system, procedure or modality and/or known or not at present, during the entire term. in which the user has exclusive rights to the material, including the following rights:

I.- Disclosure and publication, understood as the right to make accessible or make the work available to the public for the first time.
II.- Direct or indirect reproduction, understood as the right to fix or have the work fixed in whole or in part, provisionally or permanently on the Site, in any format by any system, procedure or means that allow your communication. The digitization of the works as well as the storage in digital form in an electronic support, will be considered as an act of reproduction authorized by the user.
III.- That of public communication, understood as any act that in any support or format and by any system or procedure allows a plurality of people to have access to the work posted on CAMPUS LIVE, demanding or not the payment of a price, or through any other free or conditional access system. They are especially considered acts of public communication of the work:
a) Making the work available to the public so that each member of the public can have access to it upon request by any intangible procedure from the place and at the time each of them chooses, including access to it through analog and/or digital communication networks such as the Internet. This concept includes both the public communication of the fixation, as well as its digital representation or part of it, and that of the computer programs in which it is included, with special reference to electronic retrieval systems by any procedure, including the so-called “online”.
b) Making the work incorporated into a database available to the public.
IV.- The incorporation of the work within other works, including those that have eminently advertising purposes.
VI.- Secondary Exploitations: The licensed rights include the use of extracts, sequences or fragments of the work for its reproduction, distribution or public communication in isolation and independently or through its incorporation in other works, productions, publications, broadcasts, recordings , Internet pages, software or databases, sound or audiovisual.

11.4. Third Party Content

In using the services offered on the Site, the user may have access to content provided by other users or third parties. THE COMPANY makes its best efforts to control the material provided to it, however, the user accepts that they may eventually be exposed to third party content that is false, offensive, indecent or otherwise unacceptable. Under no circumstance may THE COMPANY be held responsible for such circumstance. THE COMPANY does not extend any type of guarantee on the legality, reliability and/or legitimacy of the material provided by third parties, access and use of the elements, products, or services provided by third parties other than THE COMPANY will be at the sole risk and expense of the user. .

12. Procedure in the event of activities of an allegedly illicit nature.

Whoever has a legitimate interest and considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the Site, and in particular, the violation of intellectual or industrial property rights ( literary works, graphics, photographs, videos, patents, industrial models and drawings, trademarks and trade names, etc.) or other rights, you must send a notification to THE COMPANY containing the following information:

(a) personal data: name, address, telephone number and email address of the claimant;

(b) specification of the supposedly illicit activity carried out on the Site and, in particular, in the case of an alleged violation of rights, precise and specific indication of the protected content as well as its location within the site;

(c) facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of said activity;

(d) in the event of violation of rights, authentic or equivalent signature, with the personal data of the owner of the allegedly infringed rights or of the person authorized to act on their behalf and on their behalf;

(e) express, clear statement and under the responsibility of the claimant that the information provided in the notification is accurate and of the illicit nature of the use of the contents or the performance of the activities described.

13. Personal Data

In order to use some of the Services, Users must provide certain necessary personal data (hereinafter, the “Personal Data”). THE COMPANY will process Personal Data automatically for the purposes as well as under the conditions defined in its Privacy Policy published by THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY has adopted the legally required personal data protection security levels. However, the User must be aware that security measures on the Internet are in no case absolutely impregnable.

14. Availability of the CAMPUS LIVE platform.


THE COMPANY makes its best efforts to maintain and improve the quality of the services provided by CAMPUS LIVE, however it does not guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted provision of the Site. Likewise, the computer systems on which CAMPUS LIVE depends may eventually be unavailable due to technical difficulties or connectivity failures, or due to any other circumstance beyond the control of THE COMPANY. For his part, the user acknowledges and accepts that the display and access to the services provided by the site is only possible thanks to the infrastructure of third-party resources such as Internet connection providers, software and hardware providers, interconnection, data carriers, electricity providers, etc., over which THE COMPANY has no control. In knowledge of this, the User expressly waives to claim any compensation based on the subjective or objective responsibility of THE COMPANY for failures, slowness, and/or errors in the access and use of the service, due to connectivity problems, communications, failures or breakdowns in computer systems or other possible contingencies. Nor shall THE COMPANY be liable in the event of interruption of the service or deficiencies in its provision when this is a consequence of:

a) Failures caused by computer viruses, Dos or DDoS attacks, unauthorized intrusion into computer systems, and any other circumstance that may be classified as a computer crime.
b) Fortuitous event or force majeure.
c) Acts of cyberterrorism according to the scope given to the definition by the UN
d) Criminal acts of third parties, such as sabotage, damage to facilities, interruption of telecommunications, government acts, emergencies, natural catastrophes, economic-financial crisis, war.
e) Strike or other measures of union force

14.2 Scheduled maintenance tasks.

Occasionally THE COMPANY may temporarily interrupt access to CAMPUS LIVE by Internet users, for security reasons, for updates, for maintenance tasks, or for restructuring of THE COMPANY’s computer resources, aimed at improving its services. , as long as they do not exceed fifteen (15) accumulated monthly hours, or five (5) continuous hours. In this case, THE COMPANY will try to ensure that the interruptions affect the Site as little as possible.

15. Termination of service

The User at any time may cancel his registration on the Site, and delete his user account with all the data associated with it. THE COMPANY will discard all the data related to the User, close their profile and eliminate all records related to it. However, given that there is certain information or material that the User may share with other users, it is possible that some specific data and/or material and/or content provided by the User will be maintained even when said User has canceled their account on CAMPUS LIVE. THE COMPANY may, however, at its sole discretion temporarily suspend or definitively deactivate a user’s account, without prior notification to the same, and without the need to invoke any cause, proceeding in such case to the elimination of all information related to the account.

16. Links or Hyperlinks to or from CAMPUS LIVE

16.1 To or from the Site

The establishment of any “hyperlink” or link between a web page outside the site “” and any page of the latter may only be done with the express authorization of THE COMPANY. In no case will THE COMPANY be responsible for the content or statements existing on the web pages from which the hyperlinks to CAMPUS LIVE are established. The fact that there is a hyperlink between a web page and the Site does not imply that THE COMPANY is aware of it, or that THE COMPANY maintains any relationship with the owners of the web page from which the link is established. THE COMPANY reserves the right to request the removal or elimination of any link from a web page outside the site, at any time, without giving cause, and without the need for any prior notice. The person in charge of the web page from which the link will be made will have a period of 48 hours. counted from the request of THE COMPANY to proceed with its removal or elimination.

16.2 From the Site

The hyperlinks or links on the Site, which connect to third-party web pages, are intended to improve the user experience of the Site, making available tools, content and services provided by third parties other than THE COMPANY. THE COMPANY does not control, endorse or guarantee the safety, quality, legality, veracity and suitability of the services and content offered or provided by third parties on the site, or through it when they are outside the site. In that order, it will not be responsible for the damages that users who acquire products or use services of third parties may experience. The access and use of web pages linked from the Site will be the sole responsibility of the user, who must take all necessary precautionary measures according to the type of service, content accessed, or product purchased. The user who considers a page linked from the site inappropriate, may submit their complaint or recommendation through the contact mechanism made available to users by THE COMPANY.

© 2018 Lexar Law Firm for CAMPUS LIVE. all rights reserved its total or partial reproduction prohibited

Campus Live